About Me


Hello! My name is George. I was born in Florida but grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. My favorite food is ramen, and my hobbies are dancing, playing pickleball and walking in the park. I enjoy taking photographs on a weekly basis and it's one of my passions in life. I'm also a believer and follower of Jesus and glorify the Lord through my photographic images and everything else I do. 

I have a strong passion for photography and I love taking photos wherever I go! I got more interested in photography took an analog photography class during my junior year of high school. I really liked the aesthetic appearance to a photograph and I thought it would be cool to replicate that myself. So I experimented taking photos of different subjects like my dad when he worked, at my local elementary school playground, and at my church building. It wasn't until I moved to Florida that I began to start taking more and more photos. 

Someone positively commented on one of my photos that I posted on Instagram. I read it and it made me happy. So I continued taking more and more photos and posting them. A lot more people liked my photos and one friend suggested an idea to me about creating a separate Instagram account for photography. So that's what I did! 

My friend helped me create a business account on my photography page which I'm very thankful for. I started posting photos to my Instagram page about whatever photographs I wanted to share. And my Instagram account took off from there. 

Why should you hire me as your photographer? Because I truly have a strong passion for photographic art and I enjoy capturing my unique perspective of the world around me. A photograph to me is more than just a still image. It's an emotion, a moment, an experience that you feel when you take the photograph. You are capturing a piece of photographic history that you can look back on and remember. It's truly remarkable what looking at one individual photograph can do to your memory. I also love what I do as a photographer and have a lot of fun taking photographs! 

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